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Here is information on how we crate up various games.
Last edited December 23, 2022

Crating Pinball Backglass (Backflash for the Europeans) artwork

We'll start with crating up pinball backglass artwork. Here is an example of the glass first wrapped in brown shipping paper, next this is either wrapped in cardboard or placed in a box that is slightly larger than the glass, and stuffed with shipping "chips". Then the wrapped/boxed glass is next placed in a larger box and the box is suspended in more "chips" There is a support for the inner box to keep it centered. Now just ship with your favorite carrier...insured of course.

Packing game board for shipping

If there are batteries on the board, then it is best if you can find some antistatic bagging or antistatic bubble pack to wrap the board. If no battery (check with us if you are not sure), then you can wrap the board in aluminum foil and then place it in a box that has either crumpled newspaper or "chips" for protecting the board.

Crating (boxing up) pinball or video games

Here is the process we use to pack up a regular (Defender in this case) video game:

1) We reinforce the monitor board if we are concerned about the strength jpeg/DefenderShipping-1.jpg

2) We then build a small platform from a section of plywood and four sections of 1 X 2 jpeg/DefenderShipping-2.jpg, or we cut a pallet to size.

3) We then strap the game, after wrapping in plastic shipping film, to the platform jpeg/DefenderShipping-3.jpg

4) Finally the game is wrapped in cardboard, and the cardboard is then strapped to the platform jpeg/DefenderShipping-4.jpg

For pinballs the only difference is we stand the game on end, make a platform for the base of the game and then a second platform to support the headboard onto the base platform. The head is the strapped to the body of the pin (with cardboard to protect the paint), then the game is wrapped etc. as the above steps outline.

5) Customs clearance is usually handled by a customs broker for a small fee, and for items valued over about $100US (shipped to the USA) we will probably require your Social Security Number. The US Customs Agency explains the requirement  here, (not our idea, the US government made this a requirement back in the mid 90's)...US Customs page with the forms and scroll down to "U.S. Import Requirements". 

Building a wooden crate for easily damaged items

Here is a picture of a fragile top part of a game that needed a wooden crate to be sure of arriving safely: Which it did...Dangerzone-pack1.jpg (50544 bytes)

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